Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thank You Concerta

I have realized for some time now that my attention and distractability have been steadily increasing and it has concerned me. I decided to research more about adult ADHD instead of child focused ADHD. I found a fantastic resource and checklist that posed the symptoms specific and adult tailored. Here are a few of my ADHD highlights:
  • frequently misplaces things (where are my keys, where is my phone?)
  • difficulty learning new tasks because it is hard to stay on track during directions
  • restlessness (evident to my nail biting and picking)
  • internal sense of anxiety and nervousness
  • low frustration tolerance, impatient
  • chronically in a hurry (get up at 5:45 in the morning, and yet it is a rush to leave to school the last 5 minutes before we need to leave)
  • often have piles of stuff
  • poor financial management, late bills (every stinkin month!)
  • chronic procrastination and poor follow through (laundry!!!!!!)
  • difficulty waking up in the morning
  • periods of low energy and frequently feeling tired (always, and constant)
Even after seeing all of these symptoms/characteristics, I did not do anything until it hit the point that I could not sit to finish a client note at work without getting up, and actually not finishing a note all together. Yet still I did not make the call until I missed a school project due date for my son. At that point it was effecting my sons education.

Needless to say I made the appointment, saw the doctor and after some discussion decided to try the stimulant Concerta. Wow!! I have energy, I have focus, I have follow through, I can complete on task before moving on to the next, oh and did I mention energy!!

On my first day back to work on the Concerta it was wonderful. My desk was a complete disaster and nightmare (see picture below), but I was able to prioritize and organize while staying completely seated and not having to get up in the middle of writing notes and organizing my charts.

Thank You Concerta.

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