Tuesday, November 16, 2010

It Starts Today

Carson and I (mostly me) had a great experience yesterday. We actually met with a pediatrician who sat down in our room and took an active interest in why we had come to her, and took an in depth family history! I could not believe it. I have never seen a pediatrician take so much time with a family. It seems like the doctors we have seen always had their hand on the door the minute they walked in. It was so refreshing to be treated with respect and dignity in a health care setting and not feel pushed through like a cattle call.

Well all discussed and agreed that Carson has enough clinical symptoms of attention deficit that we are trying him on low dose of stimulants to try and help his neurotransmitters function at an optimal level. I am leery about giving it to him and sending him to school, but I don't want to put it off either, waiting for the "perfect" time to start.

Here is hoping he has a good day and can say good bye to dream land and focus at school today.

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