Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Day

Today has been a day full of trying to locate, find and put things away.

It all started out with a phone call last night from the library asking me if I had the 3 audio book CD's that were not in the case when I returned them to the library. Who does this? Not only who does this, but who does it twice? Yes, that is right, it is the second time that I have forgotten to put a few of the audio CD's back in the case. I am surprised that the library has not confiscated my card.

It seemed like forever today to put away loads of laundry. It was as if the clothes moved from one basket or appliance to another, then to one pile or another before it was actually put away in everyone drawers. The bonus though, was I found Carson's black shirt he needs for this weekend's violin concert.

I spent way to much time trying to find a box tonight that had all of my rings in it. I took my rings off for our trip so I would not have to worry about them sliding off my fingers in Disneyland (when its cold my rings are constantly slipping off). So, I placed my rings in the box, then decided to move the box to a more "safe" location. 5 days later, I realized my rings are not on and went on the hunt to find "the box." It was so frustrating, I knew I had put the rings in the box, and I clearly remember moving the box to a "safer" location, but for the life off me I could not find the box. In the end, I had moved paper from one of my many piles to another only to put a pile of papers on top of the box. In the end, after a few deep breaths, the rings were located and placed on their rightful fingers.

Then because I seem to have issues prioritizing, organizing and keeping track of dates, it occurred to me that on the first of December we need to have Carson's teachers gift to her since it is an advent type gift for her dog. So off to Walmart Market we run, since we did not have the glitter or glue we needed, only to find out that they do not have glue, then to another store where we located glitter glue, and on the way home realized I forgot a gift sack.

Some days it seems that life should not have to be so hard or difficult, but tomorrow is a new day and maybe my neurotransmitters will send better signals tomorrow.

So, now I am exhausted of looking and trying to locate things, so I think I am going to read my fabulous women with ADD book.

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