Monday, September 6, 2010

The Week in Review, Storm C Brewing

The week, for all of its change was pretty smooth.

Carson started the second grade, geez, where did that time go? It feels like yesterday I was walking him to kindergarten. He had his same homeroom teacher as last year, and many of his friends were in his class. It felt like just an extension of last school year (minus the distracting, misbehaved kids, yeah!).

Adeline started preschool and was excited to see her old teachers from last year. She does not understand why they moved her cubbie this year, and has asked for me to stay in the car and wait for her while she is at preschool. I say I will for a little bit, then use the excuse that I will have to leave the school parking lot to use the restroom of course. She replies with the fact that I should take my bladder medicine so I don't have to urinate all the time. By then she is in school, has gone to her new cubbie and is happily playing.

I went to work as regularly scheduled. I found by Thursday I was missing Carson being at school all day and since I was working my evening shift, I would not see him till 8:30 that night. It was obviously more difficult for me then him.

For all the calmness of this last week, I am anticipating tornado like chaos this week. My sister and my family are going out to dinner so our families can meet my dad's new wife. Yes, you heard that correctly, his new wife. At 76 he has decided to re marry, we did not even know he was dating and they "eloped" to the courthouse and were married a month before he decided to let us know of his new martial status. The tornado will start when we let my extremely emotionally volatile mom (the second ex-wife) know of this change in status (my dad's first ex wife already knows and has had her hissy). As an ex, why should my mom care? Well, this new wife has a little history with our family that was not that pleasant, plus second ex wife has fuzzy relationship boundaries, she blows everything out of proportion, and somehow takes everything personally, and only see how it effects her.

This storm I will name Carol, we shall see how the wind progresses and what damage is done at the end of it all.

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