Sunday, September 19, 2010

Dear Clients

To My Nine Little Clients,

I want to apologize last Saturday for not giving you my all. I was just exhausted. You deserve more than an exhausted therapist, and I realize that. After five clients in a row and a crisis in between, clients 6-9, I feel you got a low standard therapist.

The health care company is part to blame for the rapid secession in which we are scheduled. This leading to my total mental exhaustion with one client after another with no break.

I have so many ideas I would like to implement in session, but I have what feels like such time constraints on each therapy session.

I will continue to do my best to give you a quality therapy session, as that is what you are entitled too. I take children's mental health very seriously, which sub standard care just is not acceptable or within my morals and ethics. But, if I leave this company, my heart will ache for all of you young children that do not have other alternatives. It's you clients who keep me motivated to give my all in every session.

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