Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Storm

The storm Carol was down graded from a hurricane to a tropical depression. What a relief that we escaped mass chaos and irreplaceable damage. By no stretch do I think the storm is over forever, because it will brew again over time, but we made it through the first round unscathed!

Here is a little summary of meeting dad's new wife.

The meeting place is our house and they came early. EARLY! My dad has never been early in his life! I tell him family functions start 30 minutes earlier just so he will be half way on time. For him to be early, I don't think that has ever happened.

We made the rounds of polite introductions and so impressed with my little Carson. He shook her had, totally unprompted, and it was "Miss Carol" all throughout dinner when he wanted to address her. Love this boy!!

After some awkwardness Carson decided to play a little violin concert which was great for breaking up the nervousness in the air.

After some family confusion or where to be, what meeting place, my sister, her husband and the rest of us made it to the restaurant. If there was not some bit of confusion it would not be a family event. Welcome to the family Carol! Anyhow, I sat to the right of Carol during dinner, she really did not ask much, hopefully she is not getting her information from dad, he is not a good source of accurate information. My dad could tell you what college degree I have, but what I do on a daily basis for work, he has no clue.

I had a few direct questions during dinner, which totally blew my sister away. I figured this was a meet and greet, the cat was out of the bag per say, so there was nothing really off limits. I was very tactful, it was more questions like seeing the rings and knowing where they were going to live etc. The rest I really don't want to know about.

We left the restaurant and said our goodbye's, again Carson shaking her hand and told her "see you soon Miss Carol."

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