Sunday, August 8, 2010

Mother of the Year Award No More

My stellar letter of nomination for Mother of the Year Award has been withdrawn this week. Why? Because I did not believe Adeline when she said she fell, and then hours later would not move her arm. I honestly thought she made it up. She has been in such a band aid phase that she covers herself in them even when there are no injuries. Plus, this incident occurred suspiciously after her brother had fallen while hiking and had a nice piece of road rash on his leg. My husband and I were complimenting him on his bravery and toughness hoping to ward off tears, while a sweet little voice kept interrupting us telling us she too fell and hurt her arm.

Adeline did not cry or really complain about her arm again until hours later that evening. When she was having a bowl of cereal that night she ate with her left hand. The next morning she kept her arm close to her side and I tried every way possible to try and trick her into using it, still thinking she was putting me on. Well, while I was at work, Nana did the final drama test, swimming. Apparently she was a one arm swimmer.

At 8:30 pm after work, we trudged to the night time pediatric quick care (love that place, its only open at night and is never crowded, we literally walk right in). The doctor attempted to manipulate Adeline's arm and elbow. The doctor told Adeline she should always tell mom when she falls and gets hurt. Adeline stated, "But I did" (implying of course, that I did not believe her). About 6 x- rays were taken. Then trauma hit. They had to remove Adeline's band aid and re take a few x-rays to make sure they were seeing bone, not band aid. She cried bloody murder!!!

The x-rays showed no clear break and the doctor saw a questionable spot, but the radiologist read it as normal. So, the staff splinted Adeline's arm up to immobilize her until we get an appointment with the pediatric orthopedist. Hopefully they might have some insight on why she could not move her arm if there is no apparent fracture.

Lesson learned...... if I don't want my nomination yanked for Mother of the Year, I better listen and believe my child.

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