Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Booger Blog

Any of you with sensitivity to gross topics may want to skip this blog post. But when you are raised in a medical family where illness, blood, stool cultures and spiders coming out of people's tracheotomies was dinner conversation, boogers rank pretty low on my grossness scale.

My daughter tends to produce a fair amount of nose mucous. In fact, her nose seems to be leaking like a sieve, or be so crusty she can barely breath. She refuses to blow her nose and multiple family members have worked with her on how to blow her nose. So many of us have taken to cleaning out her mucous filled nose.

The last cleaning was a whopper. I have pulled many of boogers from her cute little orifice, but these two boogers take the cake. After we all starred in amazement at the sheer size of these things, her Aunt decides to make a booger jar for her and they proceed to name these two clumps of dried mucous. They are now know as Dora I and Dora II, with the jar finding a home in her bedroom.

She will now call Aunt Di when there are more boogers that need attending to, so they can find a new home out of her nose and into the jar. The next booger will be name Sophie.

1 comment:

  1. One of the benefits of being an Auntie is being able to make booger jars that make nose cleaning exciting and fresh and fun! Aunts make a nose-picking something to look forward to when you can collect and name what comes out!!!! Best job in the universe! I still want one named Malcolm.
