Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hotel Needs Help!

My young son told me one night that he wanted to stay at a hotel. I replied, we sure can, you can stay at the Hotel de Mama Mia Maria. You have a chef, a maid, a chauffeur, and activities coordinator an educational tutor, and talent coordinator (hence the name of my blog, described on my very first post).

Well, the satisfaction survey from the owner of this hotel, me, believes it is falling in the category of "dissatisfied." The maid is falling behind on her duties, the chef has not cooked a real meal in who knows how long, the chauffeur is hating the heat, the activities coordinator is exhausted, and the talent coordinator cannot hear Minuet 3 on the violin one more time!!!!

Maybe these people are feeling under appreciated, or under paid, who knows. But, this family is turning into co-owners of this hotel, and it will be a summer full of learning to take responsibility, pitching in and helping each other out.

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