Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sick as a Dog

My poor husband has been sick as a dog. He rarely gets sick but when he does, he does. Before he even started vomiting he felt dehydrated so at 7:30 at night I called 4 urgent cares and none were open. I also drove by another that was closed. So up to the ER we went. 2 bags of fluid, and 2 episodes of vomiting later (buckets full I tell you) they sent us on our way.

The next morning he was up and on the couch so we went upon our day and he managed to hardly get out of bed. It is the same thing today, although he is easier to arouse. Hope this bug leaves soon and manages not to stay at our house long. My little asthmatics are having a hard enough time this time of year without the help of any viral bug.

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