Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Loosing It

I used to have all the patience in the world. It was one of my greatest, or the greatest virtue I possessed. I could handle screaming kids, rude sales people, and a plethora of other daily annoyances and remain cool and level headed. In the last few years my patience level has tappered off, and of recent, become very limited.

Here are what I could have handled a year ago, but seem less able to cope with:

Being interrupted when I am trying to have a conversation, especially when it is an adult interrupting
Worker talking while they are trying to take my order, or talking when they should be taking my order
Crying kids at a restaurant, when I do not have my own with me
People who feel entitled and don't have to follow the rules like the rest of the population
Parent who want someone else to "fix" their child, or educate their child but do not want to do any of the work
Parents who refuse to parent, no one ever said it would be easy, or convenient
Horribly behaved children, they are taking away valuable time of my child's
And the list could go on, but I think this hits the highlights.

I often wonder if it is really that my patience level is dropping, or is society as a whole changing; and I am not coping and adjusting to a changing society.

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