Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sick as a Dog

My poor husband has been sick as a dog. He rarely gets sick but when he does, he does. Before he even started vomiting he felt dehydrated so at 7:30 at night I called 4 urgent cares and none were open. I also drove by another that was closed. So up to the ER we went. 2 bags of fluid, and 2 episodes of vomiting later (buckets full I tell you) they sent us on our way.

The next morning he was up and on the couch so we went upon our day and he managed to hardly get out of bed. It is the same thing today, although he is easier to arouse. Hope this bug leaves soon and manages not to stay at our house long. My little asthmatics are having a hard enough time this time of year without the help of any viral bug.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Miss it

I was gone for 4 days and worked both ends of those days and have had time for zero blogging. I have missed my blog. Now it is a matter of what to post first. My dad's mini mansion that I got to tour, the dance show my niece was in where my father, his new wife and his first ex wife and her significant other, my sister and sister in law all in the same row in the audience together, if that is not whacked out.

I could also re- tell the day of my total mother ineptness where I let my daughter go to school with a hole in her sock (luckily she did not broadcast that to the whole preschool), and could share why I should learn to follow my instincts and trust my assessments.

But, at this time I am too tired and want to go to bed. Maybe tomorrow.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


I have been gone for 4 days, seems like way more. Off to work for 3 days but will blog about the trip soon.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Close Enough Right?

My son's school called this morning, and the nurse had this long winded monologue about looking at my son's health records and finding that with his asthma inhaler, he did not have the outer box from the pharmacy that had his name and prescription label.

"Is Carson in the office now?" I asked, this started the monologue over again, although this time she added that without the outer box they would not be able to give him his inhaler. Again, I asked, "is he in your office, does he need his inhaler now?" She replied no, he is not in the office I just have to bring in the pharmacy box.

O.K. I get it, I need to bring in the pharmacy box. So I called the pharmacy and his prescription was out of date by 7 days. I called the pediatric lung specialist to make an appointment and the doctor is doing hospital rounds for the month, but I could make an appointment with the physician assistant in November.

This was not going to work. I luckily have the ability to call my now retired dad, who is a doctor, and explained my dilemma and asked if he would call in the prescription for Carson's inhalers. Funny enough, I have 2 brand new inhalers that have not even been opened, just don't have the outer box, so I only need this prescription for the purpose of the outer box.

As I was rattling off the names of the 2 inhalers and the directions of 2 puffs every 4 hours as needed for cough, wheezing or shortness of breath, I even had the pharmacy phone number handy for him, I thought I really had it together.

Two minutes later he called me and said, "I need to clarify with you, it was Flovent you needed, not Flomax, right?" Yes I said not thinking anything of it. Well, he got a good laugh at my expense. Flomax is for an enlarged prostate and Flovent is a lung inhaler. Easy mistake right? Flomax, Flovent? Hopefully other stressed out mother's, trying to do this in the car while trying to drive to violin lesson and being interrupted by two crisis work calls could make the same mistake. Right????

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Twas a typical family birthday party/get together.

It was Michael's big 40th and since an Alaskan cruise was not in the budget, he decided he wanted to celebrate his momentous occasion at Chuck E. Cheese.

We made our way into "The Cheese," dealt with the mob of people, all to have horrible pizza and spend way to much money on tokens that earned us 3 plastic lizards, 1 plastic frog and a cheap launcher that keeps falling apart. And by the way, who takes a new born baby to Chuck E. Cheese??

After visiting "The Cheese" we headed home for cake. Our dog was a total pain and would not stop climbing on my husband or brother in law. The baby Mastiff puppy (at 130 pounds) ran up the stairs to find the cats, oh and by the way, he does not like to climb down the stairs without a huge push from the top. We had a cake with no candles, as Adeline was nice enough to inform me of and Nana had the pissed off look because Carson could not remember Happy Birthday on his violin.

End and middle sections of the cake seemed to be of huge importance, soda's were spilled and at then end, when I thought all was quite, Nana walks back in the house because she cannot find her cell phone. A hunt in our house, her car and our yard turned up nothing, but alas the phone was ringing under the back seats of our car.

All this had been just a little too much stimulation for my ADHD husband and he disappeared into his math books.

We are birthday safe for another 2 weeks, then I am only assuming we will have a repeat of tonight, minus Chuck E. Cheese.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Loosing It

I used to have all the patience in the world. It was one of my greatest, or the greatest virtue I possessed. I could handle screaming kids, rude sales people, and a plethora of other daily annoyances and remain cool and level headed. In the last few years my patience level has tappered off, and of recent, become very limited.

Here are what I could have handled a year ago, but seem less able to cope with:

Being interrupted when I am trying to have a conversation, especially when it is an adult interrupting
Worker talking while they are trying to take my order, or talking when they should be taking my order
Crying kids at a restaurant, when I do not have my own with me
People who feel entitled and don't have to follow the rules like the rest of the population
Parent who want someone else to "fix" their child, or educate their child but do not want to do any of the work
Parents who refuse to parent, no one ever said it would be easy, or convenient
Horribly behaved children, they are taking away valuable time of my child's
And the list could go on, but I think this hits the highlights.

I often wonder if it is really that my patience level is dropping, or is society as a whole changing; and I am not coping and adjusting to a changing society.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


I don't like to cook, no, I really, really, don't like to cook. I dread it, I don't like tying to put a menu and a meal together which is probably my biggest battle with cooking.

Last week my husband and I were talking and it came to be that he was going to pre-prepare a few meals a week so all I would have to do is re heat them. No thinking, no preparing, no nothing. So this week, we have come home to a meal a day all prepared, even with a cute note on top of the night's dinner.

During this cook fest of my husbands, he texts me a couple different times to tell me how much he is enjoying cooking and how therapeutic it is. Cooking........ fun, therapeutic? Whatever works for ya. Just so happy to not have to do it for a while.