Saturday, March 20, 2010

Shoes, Shoes and more Shoes

As the weather is turning warmer, I feel spring is in the air, which means spring cleaning. My first priority....... the family shoe baskets. Does a family of 4 really need this many shoes???? The one basket became so full, that we got the kids a basket, now theirs is overflowing. And why is it with all these shoes, my kids and husband always have the same shoes on every time I look down?

To someone looking on the surface, this shoe basket could just necessitate a cleaning, but of course being the therapist that I am, is the reason my shoe baskets a total disaster just a passive attempt to irritate my mom every time she walks in the door? She hates our no shoes in the house policy and even worse then that, despises our shoe baskets. I better do some self analysis and discover the deep rooted issue of my shoe basket.

Well shoes basket, here I come.............. unless mom calls and irritates me, then another day.

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