Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Year of the Asthma

So, as every year has a name, I thought it very appropriate, while I summarize our year, to give it the name of "Year of the Asthma." My kids asthma had dominated the second half of our year, and has forever changed our lives.

Here is a year end summary of our family......

The 2009 new year was brought about with skiing. Both kids were up on skiis and it was a family event. Nana, Grandpa, Aunt Di and Uncle Dave were all up on the ski hill almost every trip to the mountain. We all had a great time watching the kids learn to ski. Even after a fall where Adeline bloodied her nose, she got up and wanted to go again.

We celebrated Valentine's with tattoos and 4 days later celebrated Adeline and her cousin Ali's birthday together.

Spring was dominated with violin festivals and competitions for Carson, dancing for Adeline and trips to the fishing pond for the whole family. We never caught one fish, but we all loved being together at the pond.

On numerous occasions we had the opportunity to be with extended family. Some occasions happy, while other sad. My grandmother's funeral the latter. We learned to value our relationships and vowed to remain closer as a family.

Summer started out with a wonderful trip to Arkansas, to attend my husband's aunt and uncle's 40th wedding anniversary. We also were fortunate enough to meet the soon to be new wife of my father in law. The kids loved seeing Papoo, their grandpa, and had more fun at the lake with a cat poop scoop and a bottle of water. Glad Diane had a trunk full of treasures.

The end of the summer was marked with Carson's birthday and a wonderful family trip to the Outer Banks in North Carolina. Most all of my dad's children and families were their, the first such occasion, and it was so fun for all of us and our families to be under one roof. All the cousins had a blast together, and I so enjoyed the time with my siblings. A big thank you to my dad for making this happen. It feels like a once in a life time trip, but I hope we can do it on a smaller scale again.

As fall came, Carson started first grade!!! Where did the time go? I cannot believe I was sending my 6 year old to school. Adeline started preschool. When the teacher asked if she had any hesitations or fears they should be aware of, I replied "she is afraid I will stay." Little Miss Independent is who she is. Adeline loves school and her teachers. It has been a wonderful experience for her.

October brought Halloween, pumpkin patches, and trick or treating. November we stuffed ourselves with turkey and pie, and rang in the Christmas season with our annual trip on the Polar Express. Before we new it, Christmas was upon us, and fun was had by all.

So there was a year at a glance.

But.... a few more things need their own acknowledgment.

My sister celebrated the year anniversary of her major, major back surgery. She had disks fused, surgical scars on her belly, plus three on her back. Diana has worked so hard to recover from her surgery, with doctors appointments, physical therapy and pilates. It was so great to see her up on ski's on New Years Day. No one would have thought a year and a few months later she would be skiing. Diana also is going back to school for her Master's Degree, in a field she has so much interest in and seems to be gaining such personal satisfaction from it.

This year we have re- developed family relationships that have been neglected for years. I have much sadness for what I have missed over the last few years, but look forward to seeing these relationships through, not only for myself but for my children. I see their excitement when they are with their cousins and there is nothing better.

Lastly, the Year of the Asthma. Carson was in the pediatric ER twice in one day for what was an asthma flare up. I had an idea he may be asthmatic but could never get a diagnosis or treatment from the doctors. Our day in the ER was rough, but so has the subsequent follow ups, breathing treatments, daily inhalers, and peak flow meters readings. During this time Adeline too developed asthma, although her symptoms were different then Carson's. Some days, especially this winter, it has felt like our lives have revolved around asthma. The school nurse and I some days talk more then my husband and I. We have adjusted to life with asthma as much as one can. I never leave the house without and inhaler, and most of the time I keep the portable nebulizer in the car, for I never know when a coughing fit and flare up will develop.

Our family has had one busy year. More ups then downs, and the "downs" have taught us lessons that hopefully I have learned. We look forward to the new year, with violin and dancing and we will see what path lies ahead for us.

Please play the slide show on the left to see our year pictures in review.

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