Friday, December 9, 2011

Out of the Bag

For the most part, my little ADHD boy stays pretty organized. His school bag is fairly simple. He has a school planner that I have been teaching him and hounding him to use, a take home folder, and luckily he does not have his own desk to clutter up. The other day I looked in his bag to get his take home folder and there was a paper tornado in there. The tornado must have hit at pack up time at school because it was not there in the morning! I took everything out and this is what there was:

A paper mess!!!!!

I consider myself lucky that this is not a regular occurrence, but it just jolts me back to the fact my son has ADHD.

On another ADHD note, Carson is very big on making sounds and I can tell in the morning by his sounds that it is time for his medication. He was drawing on the island in the kitchen and I put his medicine right next to him with his water. We were in the car on the way to school and I was still hearing his infamous noises. I double checked with him that he took his medicine and he said yes. Low and behold when I got home from taking him to school, next to his drawing book was, surprise, surprise, his medicine. Either I did not get his attention when I was leaving the medicine next to him, or most likely, he got distracted by drawing and forgot to take it. I am sure the poor kid struggled today in school, but its one of those life lessons of natural consequences.

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