Wednesday, January 5, 2011

No Teeth

The other day I was looking at Carson and saw something a little funny in his mouth. I asked him to open his mouth for me, and I saw his bottom two front adult teeth growing behind his baby front teeth. How strange, he almost looks like a shark with his rows of teeth.
I got him to the dentist who said it was no rush to get them out, but they needed to come out in about two weeks. No rush huh? He told us we could either wiggle the baby teeth, or Carson could do it, or we could have a friend or family pull it after it has been wiggled silly. What the dentist did not realize is that as he was wiggling Carson's tooth I was getting nauseated and ready to vomit.

So I made the call to have the dentist extract those little teeth, because Lord knows there was no way I was wiggling and pulling.

Carson was a great sport, he was numbed, injected and given laughing gas. Apparently parents cannot ask for a whiff or two of the gas. I thought that was only fair as I was just as traumatized with this process as Carson was. Those teeth were pulled within minutes, and have had no real problems.

The final outcome is pictured below. Carson has two very open holes from the baby teeth and his adult teeth are behind his little holes.

Now that this little, but expensive episode is complete, I will be on the hunt for a new dentist. This dental office is a pediatric office and they have a fabulous kid friendly waiting room, toys, video games and TV galore. Plus every child walks out with a hand full of toys, stickers, tattoos and balloons, and when I paid my bill, I could see why the practice was so lavish. $315 for x-rays, cleaning and two teeth extractions! My kids have toys at home, and TV, sorry kiddos, no video games, and we get little trinket toys from our kids meals all the time. What I don't have is the stomach of steel to yank out teeth or the proper dental instruments. That is really all I want to pay for, don't inflate my bill to help kid accessorize your office.

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