Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I have known for over a month that I have to give a presentation. Have I worked on it? Yes, and no. The research yes, the actual putting it together, no. I doubt my target audience, parents, will be there. My guess is I will be doing a presentation for a few of my coworkers.

My plan was to work on it in my 2 and a half hours to myself this morning but it looks like I will be heading out to my daughters dance studio to put in my ticket request for the dance recital in April. Yes, April and tickets are almost sold out!!

I think I will use my time effectively and take my laptop to roller skate night at my kiddos school and get some work done, hopefully!

And on that note, why do they not create coffee shops with a children's play area? I know coffee shops are for tranquility and quiet, but books, and quiet toys, that would be the bomb!

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