Monday, February 28, 2011

So Behind

I am so behind on my blog posts. If I don't do it when I think about it, I usually forget the cute stories and sagas I want to write about (I was going to post something about one of my Aspie clients I thought was great, but I forgot). But the last month blogger has had problems with uploading my photos to the blog too. What fun is it to talk about 3 birthday parties for my five year old if I can't post pictures?!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


It has been such a busy zoo and circus over here that I have not even had time to create a blog post; or if I did have a few moments I wanted to go to bed. We had relatives, birthday parties, sick hospitalized family, work, school and also some family members flaring with their emotional states, talking about taking wrong roads and never returning.
Have so many stories, so many pictures and so little time. If only I could stay up later and not be so exhausted at 10 at night I could get so much accomplished!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I have known for over a month that I have to give a presentation. Have I worked on it? Yes, and no. The research yes, the actual putting it together, no. I doubt my target audience, parents, will be there. My guess is I will be doing a presentation for a few of my coworkers.

My plan was to work on it in my 2 and a half hours to myself this morning but it looks like I will be heading out to my daughters dance studio to put in my ticket request for the dance recital in April. Yes, April and tickets are almost sold out!!

I think I will use my time effectively and take my laptop to roller skate night at my kiddos school and get some work done, hopefully!

And on that note, why do they not create coffee shops with a children's play area? I know coffee shops are for tranquility and quiet, but books, and quiet toys, that would be the bomb!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


A friend of mine has a 9 year old son who was just cracking me up. I said out loud that I could not find the ball. He says to me, "Its right there in front of you, its like you have man syndrome."

I love how little minds work and I thought I would just go with it. So here is how the rest of the conversation went:

ME: "Man syndrome, what is that?"

CHILD: "When you can't find something right in front of you."

ME: "Is there a women syndrome?"

CHILD: "Yes, its when a women takes to long to get ready in the morning."

ME: "What about a teenage syndrome?"

CHILD: "When my sister takes too long to put on her makeup"

ME: "A mommy syndrome?"

CHILD: "When it takes to long to both get dressed and put make up on and leave the house late because she is not ready on time"

ME: "Is there a daddy syndrome?"

CHILD: "Anger"

The first part of this I was just basking in his creativity of how funny and perceptive a nine year old perceives his world. Sad part is when we got to his dad, there was no hesitation, no pondering or thinking, it was an instant answer of angry. Good thing he has a loving, patient mother.

Monday, February 7, 2011


Yep! This confirms it. I have turned into this kind of mother that is having her child do his homework in the car. My one saving grace of this whole episode is that he was at least completing it the night before it was due, not on the morning drive to school.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Where's Carson?

Instead of "Where is Waldo?" ................... it is "Where is Carson?"

Carson loves to sleep under all his animals, pillows and blankets. I thought he was in need of some sensory input to relax him at night so I made him a weighted lap blanket, and weighted neck wrap and he gets a five pound ball massage every night to try and relax him. Does any of this work to calm him for bed ? Nope, so much for trying to provide him with a sensory input experience for relaxation.

I will just let him continue to be buried by his animals.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Adeline has had this strange cough/clearing of her throat off and on for a few years. We were told it was asthma, then we were told it was allergy related. The last three weeks it has been so pronounced. She was coughing and coughing and I had her on breathing treatments and it did not clear. I took her to the doctor and they thought it was allergies (again) and put her on Singulair and Zyrtec. She has been on both of these medications religiously, and is still clearing her throat.
I am getting very worried that this cough and clearing of her throat has nothing to do with asthma or allergies and is a vocal tic. Boy, our family has enough mental health issues without having to add a vocal tic to the mix.