Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My Sister the Felon

My sister (with my kiddos), the face of a felon?

Well, almost but not really. It is kind of comically now, but at the time, my sister did not think that potentially having a warrant out for her arrest was that funny.

It all happened a few weeks ago when my sister was in a very minor fender bender. She was at a stop, her foot slipped off the break and she tapped the car in front of her. No damage to the cars or people. They exchanged insurance information and went on their way.

A week later my sister received a call from a police deputy handling the accident as the other lady made a report days later. He left a phone number on her voice mail to call him back regarding the accident. My sister called that number on different occasions and was left to hear the ring of the phone with no accompanying voice mail message.

This week that same officer called her back and said it was imperative she call him back or he would place a warrant out for her arrest. She called back of course and was transferred to numerous people and departments till she finally got a hold of the officer; and he could really care less he had an issue with his voice mail.

As my sister called me totally panicked about her potential warrant, I explained that it was probably just more of a "scare tactic" way that the police choose to communicate. We talked for a bit and calmed her worry. Maybe 10 years from now she will think this event is more humorous then she did a few days ago.

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