Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Asthmaed out

I am asthmaed out this week. I am not sure that is even a real word, but it is how I feel.

In the last week and a half I have received a call from the school nurse every day to tell me that Carson was in to take is inhaler. He was in twice one day, but had to rest and could not take his inhaler because the school strictly enforces the inhaler usage every 2 to 4 hours. They are not as lacks as I am about justifying the prn part of the prescription.

I feel sad that this disease has impacted my son's life and our families life. It has forever changed us. I have empathy when he goes to school not feeling his best, and starts to have flare ups when he is playing tag on the playground, just trying to be a normal boy.

But last night I had just had it with asthma. Between calls all week, breathing treatments before school and albuterol puffs during the day, we were all ready for bed, in our jammies and my son informs me he is having an asthma flare up. I was sick as a dog to begin with, sore throat and the works, and just wanted to curl up in bed with my electric blanket. But instead we pulled out the nebulizer and sat for his breathing treatment.

At least until I feel better, can you give us a break asthma?????

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