Tuesday, February 7, 2012

More ADHD at Work

Yet again, ADHD is at work. This time with Adeline completing her Tornado project. What would we ever do without an island in the kitchen!

Friday, January 6, 2012

ADHD at Work

Earlier in the week we had evening plans after school, so I decided to take the kids to the library to do their homework where we would be closer to our scheduled destination. But in a new environment, it was fascinating to watch Carson and his ADHD doing homework in an unfamiliar setting.

In the middle of doing math, he found a light on the ceiling

Sitting on our feet, don't think he knows how to sit on his tush pockets

Giggling, trying to hide it from me, while he should be writing something with his pencil

Karate chop

On to both feet crossed on our knees

Needless to say, homework is a challenge for sure, the more patience I have with him the better, and I have to pull out my inner therapist tools and ask myself what advise would I give one of my client's parents.

And since I love watching human nature at work, especially those who are not neurotypical, I have to saw this little guy and his sister fascinate me

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


At work, and sometimes in my personal life, I feel like I am a hamster just running in my wheel. With all the clients I see, I do not always feel like I am making progress with the children in therapy, and some clients leave therapy before we can get to the real "work" of therapy. I feel like many days are spent just assessing and planning, with clients not returning. I do not always get to see the positive progress along the way, or end result of some clients.

But yesterday, I received the best message I could have received, and it was so needed to boost my morale before heading to work tomorrow, It was only three sentences but so poignant.

This mom wrote; "We are SO happy and feel extremely fortunate to be working with you! You take the time to listen to our concerns and ideas and understand (name of client)! You are WONDERFUL and we can't thank you enough!"

I first have to say a huge thank you to this mom, because I needed it. Second, I give this mom kudos herself. Her 6 year old daughter has been diagnosed as selectively mute, although my diagnosis is Asperger's and anxiety. Either way, she has been able to leave her job, home school her daughter and has researched every avenue for possible treatment. She brings in a notebook to our therapy sessions to take notes on ideas I have to try with her daughter, and actually goes home and uses them! So refreshing, I as a therapist cannot fix your child alone in my 50 minutes every two weeks session, it takes work at home. If parents would do the work now, while their child is young, it will make it easier for both the parents and the child when they are older.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Approach

I have decided in the new year (since I do not make new years resolutions) that I am going to take a new approach with my husband. He is Bipolar with many characteristics of ADHD that the bipolar medicine has not been able to alter, so we just live with it. It is much easier to cope with attention issues then true periods of clinical depression and hypo manic swings. Yes, we did try ADHD medication first when we thought that was his primary diagnosis, but the stimulant medication either sent him into a deep depression or increased his irritability and anger.

Back to my point though, I am going to change the way I see his behaviors, it will only help our marriage and my attitude. My poor husband has zero common sense which leads to some of my issues I have with him, the other issues are his periods of hyper focusing, and either lack of attention (I hope) or laziness.

I am thinking that if I change my approach and attitude, his behaviors will not bother me as much. I won't go into instant anger when the trash is sitting in the garage and he does not take it out, or he texts me to ask if we have food in the house, when clearly we do. I am thinking I will keep a running list of what my friend calls "Man Syndrome" and maybe my husband and I can chuckle about them instead of me getting upset and resentful about it. Nothing like putting my use of cognitive behavioral therapy to work. I did not go to college for nothing!

Stay tuned!!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Eve and Christmas

Christmas Eve was full of anticipation for the kids. We open family presents on Christmas Eve after dinner. It was not quite dark when we were finished eating and it was pure torture for the kids. But lets jump to Christmas afternoon.

My mom vomited and had to have a breathing treatment before she left the house. We had some part in the garage beeping that I could not figure out. I thought it was the water softener and added a big bag of salt, to no avail. Then upon doing a sink full of dishes, the garbage disposal went kaput.

The highlights were Carson and Adeline as seen below.

More Legos

My handsome boy Carson

His sister gave him a Star Wars sweatshirt

Adeline got a meowing, purring cat. The real cat in our house is not so sure about this fake, furry critter

What is a Christmas Eve dinner without a princess crown and the splits?

Adeline was pouring sparkling apple cider for us all

In our Christmas Advent calendar this year, each day both kids got a puzzle piece and on Christmas Eve, we finished the puzzle!

Sunday, December 18, 2011


The Elf that is gracing his presence at our house this holiday season was found on top of the fridge. It just happened that I came around the corner and found this.......

Carson was telling the Elf something. I am sure he was tattling on his sister but I guess that is between he and the Elf.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Desert Hike

We love the desert behind our back yard. The kids find great things in the desert and the desert leads to a nice paved trail lined with trees.
Carson always takes his backpack, packed with light sabers (never know when you might need one of those), his camera, a notebook and pencil. He loves to observe and draw pictures.

Adeline wanted to bring our Elf on the hike to make sure that they behave.

Checking out the flowers
More flowers
Our Elf that is relaying messages to Santa. Adeline walked him in her purse.

This explaines why every boy needs to take his light sabers on a hike!!!