Saturday, July 10, 2010


As a child therapist, I have hopefully helped many children to cope with not only traumatic life events, but assisted them to cope with everyday situations and enhance their daily functioning in the world. I have heard many stories of abuse, neglect, death, bully's, and accidents. But two for sure hit home this week.

The first was a six year old boy who was hearing 5 voices in his head that were telling him that he is weird, and funny. He was also seeing a "kid" that appeared throughout his day, and could describe what he looked like, and also his unique layers of clothing he was wearing. This young boy stated they were getting annoying, all the voices and the "kid" showing up.

The second story I heard today, and have not been able to let go of. This young client of twelve year old and I were talking about his depression, what it is like for him, when it started and a few other symptoms. I asked if he thought of self harm or suicide when he was in a depressed state, and he said "not anymore, but when I was younger." As I probed him to elaborate on this he explained to me when he was 5 years old, on multiple occasions, he would go outside and lay in the street hoping that someone would run over him. This is at age 5!! I was astounded that a five year old could experience a depressed state like that in the first place, and then actually be able to follow through with a plan.

I am still tonight, having a hard time wrapping my brain around it.

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