Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Really, All in A Day

Where do I even start? I am not sure the trauma of yesterday is even over yet. Yesterday was quite an ordeal. It started on a high note, not realizing that it was all downhill from there. We started with a 1200 square foot house and five kids, all playing while my sister got a makeover. She looked fantastic!

Then as we were rushing through the drive thru for lunch, late to violin lessons, I said to my mom who was driving, "the curb!" Bump, crash. We were in the parking lot and she was looking at a group of teenagers and hit the curb. We pulled over and yes, it was a flat tire. Luckily we were just across the parking lot from the tire shop. I hauled the hot, hungry kids out of the car and we had lunch in the tire shop lobby, having to have cancelled violin lessons.

Since we missed violin, my mom decides to go to Target since a friend had gotten such great deals there. I swear she bumped the cart into multiple things and was dropping clothes.
left and right.

Then came the evening, camera shopping with my dad. My dad is a man who reads every consumer report, thoroughly researches every option, goes to multiple stores and talks to multiple sales associates, in the end not to buy anything. So to say to me that he wanted me to go camera shopping, it was dread.

We get to the store and I present him all his different options based on camera features. A salesman came by to help us and he had a horrible stuttering problem which made my dad's incessant question answering almost painful. He decided on a camera. We pulled out everything from the box to check that all was included before he even made the purchase. To top it off we decided on a case and an SD card (won't even go in to that story). I felt at peace, he made the major decisions, and I heard the scanning of the items. Then, our poor sales associate asked if my dad wanted the 3 year warranty. I just almost fell to the floor. My dad asked every warranty question imaginable, which this fellow so graciously answered. Dad of course declined after the long explanation.

We are half way there I thought to myself, now I just have to teach him to use the camera. But before leaving Target, dad decides he needs a few toiletries for his trip (which is why he was buying a camera in the first place, thanks to me. Set myself up for that one). We went to the travel size section and it caused dad distress that he could not find the same type of matching shampoo and conditioner, so we pulled bottle after bottle out of the little silver bin until we found two sets of matching shampoo/ conditioner combos. Next we were on to deodorant. And a fate worse then death, they did not carry "ban roll on" deodorant. "I just cannot try a new product on a trip" says my father. We walk to the woman's section and low and behold "ban," on sale at that. He asked me if I think he will really get the "price cut" price. "Well, of course" I say, "it is on sale." He grabs 2 and lets me know that if they are not on sale at the register he will just put them back. Really, dad, your going on a trip to Europe, just bought a $300 camera and you will squabble over a$1.45 on your deodorant?

Bags in tow we left the store, he took me to my favorite Mexican restaurant, then proceeded to tell me he was full and tired. Could I teach him to work his camera tomorrow? I told him I would charge it, and program all of his settings. "Can you make sure each picture will have a date on it?" Sure dad, see you tomorrow night for your lesson.

Love my dad and all his quirky qualities !!

1 comment:

  1. OMG! You are a saint! Squabbling over $3 deodorant after spending $300 on a camera and God-knows-how -much for a trip to Europe is such a "Dad" quality!
