Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What a Day

The day is winding down, the house is quiet, and I can proudly say I made it through the day. But the day did not start off so blissful.

This morning, Mama Mia Maria husband came downstairs to ask who bled in our bathroom. Well, as I took inventory, I found that the 2 children were blood free, the dog was still the yellow lab color he was the night before, and the one cat downstairs checked out just fine. By process of elimination, we started hunting the house for cat #2. Underneath my daughters bed was the culprit. We saw he was bleeding from an unmentionable spot and both my husband and I caught our breath. This could not be good. By the time we got the cat carrier into the house, as we knew he was off to see the vet, the cat had taken refuge under the safety of our bed. Mama Mia Maria husband had to tear apart the bed to find the poor cat wedged under there. Seems on the surface an easy task, but add two children who want to help to the mix and it was a circus show.

After this elaborate production of catching the cat, I could not get a vet appointment till the afternoon. When the time of the appointment finally arrived, the cat was so unhappy. He obviously did not feel well, and had been in his cat carrier way longer then he felt just. In the heat of the day he had experienced a car ride for school pick up, what a mad house that was with noisy kids and horns honking, then he had to endure the birds chirping in the waiting room of the vets office.

The doctor came in and started her examine and felt it would be best to get an x ray, blood work etc. etc. etc. After a bit if sedation, and a shaved tush, the doctor concluded that he had puncture wounds near the rectum, which as an indoor cat, could have only been inflicted by our other 4 1/2 pound girl cat. There was relief that this was not the end for our boy, it was not cancer or anything that was not treatable. He will come home in the morning and start his recovery. After a doctor visit, sedation, x -rays, blood work, shaving, flushing wounds, pain pills and antibiotics, I might as well just sign my paycheck over to the vet.

Through this all, I found a great moral. This boy cat is cranky, moody, selfish, and not always nice to the girl cat, which, in the end, will always come back to bit you in the ass.

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