Friday, September 25, 2009

Goats and Flip Flops

It was a week full of lessons, but it all started with wearing flip flops out on a farm. My son's violin teacher basically has a farm in her back yard. After my son has his violin lesson we are allowed outside to look for chicken eggs, pet the goats and horses and feed the baby chickens. This week I was walking the farm being followed by a goat, not just any goat, but the big, tall goat whose head comes up to my shoulder. As I stopped to look in the chicken coop, I caught my breath as this extremely sharp pain went shooting through my toe!! I yelped and yelped and the goat finally moved off my toe. Looking down at my painful, throbbing toe, a layer of skin missing and blood oozing out of my toe, I should realize:
Lesson #1, do not wear flip flops on a farm!!

Well, next door to the violin farm was another farm that had a litter of kittens that needed a home. Impulsively, Nana (my mother) decided to take home a six week old kitten. I could not believe it. I got right on the phone texting my sister with an OMG message. Nana is known to be extremely impulsive, then later doubts her decision and my sister and I are there to pick up the pieces. We got half way home, kitten in tow, and Nana decided she needed one more kitten, so they would have friend. This stemming back to her being an only child I am sure. Anyway, we trek back to the farm, pick up another kitten and are on our way home with my inner monologue and negativity running rampant.
Lesson #2, maybe all decisions do not have to be rationalized, calculated, or have an exhaustive pro and con list before a decision is made. These kittens have won Nana's heart, have kept her occupied with a true sense of purpose, and provided her great entertainment and company.

Lesson #3, really needs no explanation: get rid of a car when its repairs are more expensive then a car payment!!!! Car problems really bite!!!

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