Sunday, September 25, 2011


Anxiety is still running high at our house. We are on the third week of school and poor Adeline is still a little ball of anxiety. On Sunday we took the kids and grandpa bowling and Adeline was picking her nails while bowling. A fun, family event and she is still having anxiety. As she would wait for the ball to travel down the lane and hit the pins she would pick her nails, see back side picture below.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Rain, Rain, Stay a Day

Out here in the desert it does not rain much. In fact, when it does it is so wonderful because we rarely get to see it. But, I have not seen it rain like it has in a few years. Our city is bound to have some major flooding issues, plus multiple car accidents since people drive crazy in the rain here.

I am excited I can open my door, look through this gorgeous security gate and listen to the rain and thunder. It is so wonderful!

I will just keep this image in my mind when it is time to help with school pick up this afternoon. It will be a chaotic mess with rain and parents trying to retrieve kids.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Week Two Down

We completed week two of school. Carson has adjusted pretty well as compared to the first few days. Next week he will start his two class rotations for math and reading and hopefully this will not be too big of an adjustment.

Adeline started off kindergarten pretty well, but has shed a few tears in the morning this last week. One day I left her in her teachers hand crying. I was ready to go out to my car and cry myself but I was doing some volunteer work at the school and could not be full of tears.

Luckily we have made it through week two and I am hoping week three there are less tears!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Be Kind

My children's school participates in the Josh Stevens "Be Kind" Foundation I love that the school is embracing this movement and encouraging kind acts. The school has made "Be Kind" shirts with the "Be Kind" logo along with the school's logo. Friday is "Be Kind" day at the school. Teachers and staff where their "Be Kind" shirts and the students are encouraged to do so also. I loved the first Friday of school seeing so many "Be Kind" t-shirts!

Carson wore his blue "Be Kind" t- shirt from last year and Adeline got the brand new purple color. She looked adorable with her matching purple high tops.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Day 2

Looks as if school day #2 for Carson did not go much better then school day #1. Carson was upset by the constant chaos he felt was around him, the extra noise and poorly behaved kids. Unfortunately he will have to deal with disruptive kids all through school, then learn how to work with disruptive adults. Some do not get any better, they just get bigger. I feel like the last two days Carson has looked like the picture below, which breaks my heart. Its at these times that I see the mental illness side of him manifest itself.
I sure hope in the next few weeks I can see a Carson face similar to this!

Adeline has enjoyed half day kindergarten but is upset that by day two she did not learn how to read! Although she enjoyed her first few days at school, she did have some apprehension and anxiety. Her nails are down to the nubbins and there is no polish left on them. I am sure part of the day Adeline was caught looking like the picture below, picking her nails.
It won't take too long to see her smiling face at school. The busier she is in class the better she will do!