Sunday, February 28, 2010

Medicine, Medicine and more Medicine

I think we single handedly kept the pediatric urgent care open last week.

The first night visit was for Adeline. She has asthma of course, and has done really well. She has never had a severe attack or flare up but this flare up was scary. She had a breathing treatment at my mom's house because of her asthma cough. We went to the grocery store and she coughed all through shopping. When it did not subside after her inhaler use, and she kept having one coughing fit after another, I new we needed some help.

Luckily a new night time pediatric urgent care had opened. We walked right in and were seen. She had an x ray taken and then was given a zopenex breathing treatment, and were sent home with a prescription for an oral steroid. By mid morning the next day she was better, which was great because her bowling birthday party was that afternoon. As I predicted though, she coughed all the way home and had a breathing treatment that night. Poor girl, asthma could not even leave her alone on her birthday.

4 nights later while we were eating dinner after dance class, Adeline looked at me and said her ear hurt, then went back to eating. I did not think much of it at the time. Then as bedtime drew near she started complaining about her ear again. I thought it was just a bed time procrastination trick. An hour after she had been asleep she sits up and starts screaming in bed and holding her ear. There we go again over to the pediatric urgent care. The doctor told me she had bilateral ear infections, with our 2 prescriptions in hand we left to get them filled at the 24 hour Walgreens.

So, as I am treating her asthma and ear infections, Carson starts with his asthma cough. He starts on breathing treatments before and after school, and before bed. Then the cough got to be so constant and persistent that I called the lung specialist to explain his symptoms and report on his peak flow meter readings. I offered to bring him in to see the doctor but was told there was not an appointment available for weeks. They called in an oral steroid and that always works like a charm.

One day later, guess who has an ear infection??? Yep, that would be Carson.

In the morning and at night our counter feels like an assembly line for medication administration. Pills, antibiotics, steroids, inhalers, and not to forget our fiber gummies.

As the picture above shows, I had more bags of medicine then some people have of groceries!!

So, as I look back on my week, I can really justify why I was so tired! Oh, and there was a little thing called work, laundry, household up keep and homework to go with it.

I am hoping for a calmer week, we will see how my luck runs.

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