Sunday, August 23, 2009

Dribble, dribble, dribble, flood

It all started as I was carrying groceries in from the car. A little dribble of water peeking out from under the garage door. As I carried in the sacks, I played over and over in my head what could be leaking in the garage. Please tell me something else can leak in my garage but the water heater, please. After all grocery bags were stowed safely on the table (did not want the dog to take the opportunity to eat the bag of frozen chicken nuggets), I rummaged up enough courage to open the garage door. With one push of that button, my toes were flooded with water rushing down the driveway. If I would have closed my eyes and heard seagulls squawk, I would have sworn I was at the beach with the water flowing over my toes.

After the panic of.......... everything is wet, what plumber do I call, how much will this cost me, what pictures and sentimentals have been destroyed, I figured I would turn lemons into lemonade. Now, this was asking a lot as I am no cook. My kids think pancakes come from the microwave and were astonished to find out that pancakes can be made on a griddle and you actually cook pizza in the oven!! Thanks Aunties!! Anyway, back to the lemonade, I decided it would be a great time to clear the clutter from the garage.

What a fire hazard. Seeming that my husband has caught a garage on fire, a story for another time, and yes, he was an adult, one would think we would keep that garage clean and clear of debris. Toys, school projects, bikes, pet travel cases, you name it, I think we had it. Oh, did I failed to mention this is a one car garage with a non- working SUV in it?

After four grueling hours, I was proud that we had a new water heater, made 2 trips to Goodwill, 1 trip and $35 later, the city dump, and had a virtual yard sale on the curb awaiting garbage day 2 days later. I am taking bets on what is left for the garbage men to pick up........

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