Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Approach

I have decided in the new year (since I do not make new years resolutions) that I am going to take a new approach with my husband. He is Bipolar with many characteristics of ADHD that the bipolar medicine has not been able to alter, so we just live with it. It is much easier to cope with attention issues then true periods of clinical depression and hypo manic swings. Yes, we did try ADHD medication first when we thought that was his primary diagnosis, but the stimulant medication either sent him into a deep depression or increased his irritability and anger.

Back to my point though, I am going to change the way I see his behaviors, it will only help our marriage and my attitude. My poor husband has zero common sense which leads to some of my issues I have with him, the other issues are his periods of hyper focusing, and either lack of attention (I hope) or laziness.

I am thinking that if I change my approach and attitude, his behaviors will not bother me as much. I won't go into instant anger when the trash is sitting in the garage and he does not take it out, or he texts me to ask if we have food in the house, when clearly we do. I am thinking I will keep a running list of what my friend calls "Man Syndrome" and maybe my husband and I can chuckle about them instead of me getting upset and resentful about it. Nothing like putting my use of cognitive behavioral therapy to work. I did not go to college for nothing!

Stay tuned!!

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