Monday, January 24, 2011

Rants from Work

When I head to work for the week, it usually consumes those three days. This week was full of undiagnosed kids who were expelled from school, mood swinging kids who potentially could have been admitted in patient unit and the 5 year old who killed the pet hamster.

Good news? I survived the week, well really only three days, but it can feel like a week.

My poor mood swinging kids I have seen for some time now, but getting the psychiatrist in our office to actually change medication seems to be an act of Congress. He has a 12 year old on 4 different medications, but are they truly helping? He is still swinging. Some days I would like to wipe all their medications clean and start from the very basic again like a mood stabilizer, and not anti seizure and anti psychotics when they are not having seizures or psychotic episodes. I am by no means a psychiatrist, nor an expert in medication, but if things are not working, we better go back to the drawing board, which does not mean continuing to add more and more medication.

My next rant is the poor 5 year old that killed the pet hamster. Our company has a 10 page assessment that has a multitude of questions for possible disorders, conditions, symptoms and characteristics. Before the session I looked at the assessment completed by another therapist and there is not one box checked, or one comment. To look at the assessment one would think this child was perfectly normal, but it is not normal for a 5 year old to kill the hamster! What did you ask in the assessment??? During my assessment, which actually should have been their first therapy session it became very clear this little 5 year old has Asperger's disorder.

I could probably open my own specialty practice working with those with Asperger's and be scheduled full. Not sure why there is such a large number of kids with Asperger's or if diagnosing them is just improving. Either way it is very interesting, plus I love little Aspie kids, although they do not think in our neurotypical world their world is pretty fascinating.

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