Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Just breathe..........

That is what I plan on doing today.

I will just breathe (and maybe say a prayer) before I wake up Adeline to get dressed for school, our daily battle and meltdown time.

I will just breathe at the drive thru Starbucks line that I cannot believe I wait in almost every morning.

I will just really deep breathe before I enter my moms house to pick up all the holiday crafts that she and the children have completed as holiday gifts for teachers.

I will just breathe as I make a return to Target and head to Walmart so I can get a better deal.

I will just breathe when Adeline comes home from school and wants to pull out every craft project in the world and is a whirlwind of activity.

I will just breathe while I attempt to put laundry away, get dishes done and whatever other household tasks have been neglected over the past few days.

I will just breathe at the run down skating rink tonight, where my kids have a blast and we all come out to support my sons school.

I will just breathe before I start my work week. I seem to be having a stint at work where everyone is remembering their appointments, and needs more time then I feel I can give them. I remember the rash of "no show" clients just a few months ago, and now it is totally opposite. I knew that would happen when my company changed my contract.

Finally tonight I will just breathe in bed, taking deep breaths of "good" in and blowing out the "bad" like another late night run to the children's urgent care for little Mr. Asthmatic.

Heres to breathing!

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