Saturday, June 12, 2010

First Week of Summer

We have sucessfully completed the first full week of summer vacation. Let me tell you, it was a rough one. This picture described how I felt for the first three days. I don't know if I was extra worn out from a very fun trampoline party we went to where I bounced and raced myself silly with my kids on 50 yards of trampolines (such a cool place), or if it was post school let down. Anyhow, I was wiped. I was so tired that I did not want to pry myself of the couch. I only did the necessities in life, and sadly to report, let my kids watch a bunch of cartoons.

This was all fine and dandy until it was time to return to work on the 4th day of summer break. I actually had to be there and be productive in my tired haze. It was also a day where I had all 6 of my clients show in a row. The next day was the same and Saturday I had 8 clients in a row with no break. I was lucky to be able to take a quick restroom break.

So, I am now done working for the week. I am totally emotionally exhausted. I thank my lucky stars that my kids can act 100 times better then the kids I see in my office.

1 comment:

  1. I love that the bunny is also buckled in! What a cute picture! Hope you get back in your groove soon!
