Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Not only blogging....

So, my last post was how work has managed to uproot my families life while we adjusted to this change of routine. My blogging was very behind, and as I was searching for a few pictures on my computer, I realized this work thing has really cut into my photo time!!!! This is the last picture I took, and it is not even with my real camera, it was on my i phone.

I am one of those pathological picture takers and end up with about 200 pictures per month. March, I had 14!!!!! How pathetic. I even realized I did not download pictures from our short jaunt to Utah.

I love my job as a child therapist, and I am seeing so many interesting children and families, but it is very consuming not only of my time , but also my emotions. In order to fill up my emotional reserve tank I need to spend some time with my camera and kids. The magic cure to all that ails me!!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

I miss it

I have been neglecting one of my favorite things to do to relax. That is writing my blog. I have started back to work part time and have been somewhat overwhelmed with the transition. Although it is only 3 days a week, it has taken a toll on our family. My children's routine has been disrupted and altered but I think we are making progress in adjusting to our new normal.

It has taken a month of me working, but the kids now get as excited to see me when I come home from work, as they do daddy when he comes home. Its always a nice feeling to get big hugs at the end of the day.

Hopefully as our schedule moves forward I can get back to my blogging.