Sunday, November 27, 2011


Thanksgiving Day for the most part was pretty good. We started the morning going out on a trail by our house to burn off kid and dog energy.

After the trail I put a log in the chiminea fish and the kids wanted to roast marsh mellows while my sister and I did a little cooking.

Here are the desserts, and Adeline's apple turkey she made at kindergarten.
I decided to put the turkey in the middle of the cake and I think it looked very festive.
We had a few discussions about what the kids had to eat (thanks to Nana) and she was not very patient with the fact he did not want to sit at the table and wait while everyone finished, but these are on going battle I have with every meal, and just decide day by day what battle I want to face.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!

I now need to work on my attitude and have it completely altered by the time family comes over whenever they do today.

I need to remember deep breaths and just let my mom handle details because it is not worth the energy to try and change it.

"Let go" is my mantra for today.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Where to Start

The last week or two has been so busy, I do not even know where to start.

The good part is after about two months, work has finally altered my schedule. Yippie, that only took two months.

Adeline is doing fantastic in both dance and violin and is loving school. The best part is her teacher is fabulous!

Carson is another story. About two weeks ago he came home from school due to his asthma. It was a day I was working and had my mom go and pick him up, and she said he seemed fine. Then last week on Tuesday a smoke alarm went off and apparently he had a panic attack. They tried to send him back to class after a period of time but he started to shake and again was sent up to the nurses office and I was called to come and get him. At age 8, the poor guy just experienced his first panic attack. There is so much more to this story and how his school and teacher handled it, but then Thursday he was back at the health office and Friday, when I was there to watch class presentations he did not leave my lap. I have no doubt that he was in the health office Wednesday, I was just not called. There is something about his afternoon teacher that is just not working and causing him anxiety. So, after Thanksgiving break, I will be mommy bear and request a teacher change.

In other news, PTSA is busy again, Thanksgiving is approaching and I suggested limited food that everyone will eat, and its back to work. The week off is going to fly!

Monday, November 14, 2011

My Week

This is what I walked into on Thursday when I walked into my office. This huge stack of charts, not counting intakes I do not have a chart for, and realizing this is all in 17 hours of work!

I so dislike when all my client charts are pulled for my three days at once. If I was a client and walked in and saw this stack of charts I would feel that the office is so unpersonalized.

So, I try to hide them under my desk, and the stack gets progressivly smaller and smaller as the hours tick by. And I am proud to say that by Saturday evening that desk was empty!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I'm Loosing

So, I am loosing the battle on Facebook, and here is how it started.

Carson built these wonderful Lego creations this weekend. He had really been working on me to buy him a Wii and a Playstation. My husband and I are not necessarily against video games, but we are not 100% for them. So many parents and families I see in my office have so many fights and arguments over the Wii, and kids spending way to much time on them and having meltdowns when they have to get off, or are in a middle of the game, that I just do not need to add that to my life.

But, this was Carson's attempt to show us how much he really wanted the Wii and playstation.....

This is a replica of a miniature Wii remote

Playstation controller

Wii remote and Wii numchuck

Wii console with a slot for the disk to go in

I posted these pictures on Facebook and added the comment below.....
"Carson did a fabulous job and I was more then impressed with his creation, but the poor guy only proved his point about why we do not have video games at our house. If he was playing video games he would not have this much time to be creative and use his imagination."

Not one Facebook friend agreed with my point of view, and even got the comment that the Wii is not like the video games we grew up with, and yeah, maybe they are right, now a kid can take a video game remote and shoot people and see blood and profanity flying everywhere.

Sorry Carson, not rethinking my stance.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween Madness

Halloween, as usual, was a hit this year with the kids. Adeline was a pink cheetah and Carson was General Grevious from Start Wars. First thing in the morning, Adeline kept asking me why they could not go trick or treating in the morning. Let me tell you, it was a long day!

This Halloween it was especially nice to be able to trick or treat in our new neighborhood. We had a number of trick or treaters and I must say, on the whole, were very polite.

Here are a few photos of the evening.