Sunday, October 30, 2011

The kids and I took a quick trip up to Utah to watch my niece dance in a Halloween production. While there we took a trip up to the canyons, and i was a mean mom and made them pose for pictures. I am such a meanie mom.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Too Much Time and a Camera

This is what happens on a 7 hour car ride when the kiddos find the camera.

They take pictures of their toes

their tongue

and up their nose holes!

But, they were both such good travelers, and I got a good laugh when I was downloading pictures.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Yep, She is Mine!

Yes, this is my little cheese head. I wanted a cute pictures of her hair buns on the way to dance class and this is what I got. But, I love it, and lover her!

This picture below is as she got in the car to leave for school and was very proud of her first ever project for kindergarten. An "All About Me Box." She is soooooo excited to present it to her kindergarten class. I am sad I do not get to see her present her first project, but from the next project on, parents will get to come and watch their presentations. I am just so lucky I have been able to help in class a few times already, her teacher Rocks!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Just One More Thing...

I don't think that anyone can ask me for one more thing today. I have given to over 21 children clients and their families in a three day period. I have given to my family, celebrated Nana's birthday on my one day off. I have given to grandpa's, and violin lessons and PTSA, and Nana's insurance and bank account, my husband, my kids school work, Adeline's dance, and I am exhausted.

Tomorrow it is back to school, projects, violin class after school, homework, packing lunches, PTSA and providing an interview to a college student about my profession.

Anyone want to add anything to my list???????

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


So little Miss Adeline is reading. She is learning a few sight words for school and is very proud of herself that she is reading words. Of course, at bed time, is the time she wants to read and read and read her worksheet from school.
I explained to her that it was time for bed and she told me that "Ms. Paul (kinder teacher) said that I was to read my worksheet as much as I want, and I am not finished yet." I love the interpretation of these directions to read as much as she wants at 8:30 at night.

Here is the link to the reading video earlier in the night.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Picture Day

Friday was picture day, here is a preview. I just hope the camera man got a little better picture then these, especially since Adeline slept in pink curlers all night.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

I have known this for a while, but apparently this week it just sunk in, really hard.

That is..... I do not function well, or at all without my ADHD medication.

I was running low on medication and had my follow up appointment scheduled but decided on my two days off not to take the medication and save it for work. For those two days I was so tired I was napping in my car, and I could honestly not put thoughts together. It was so odd, the thoughts were there, but processing it and getting it out was a different story.

So, when I go to the doctor this week I will be asking for both an extended release and also a short acting medication. When my day starts at 5:30 and does not end till 11pm, I have to be able to put thoughts together and not fall asleep at the drop of a hat.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sound of Silence

As I have mentioned before, Carson is very sensitive to noise. His little ears just cannot seem to take it. I don't know how many times I look over when there is a loud noise and find him covering his ears.

Last week I was helping at school with the PTSA and Carson's class and another were waiting to start a PE video in the lunch room. The kids had bunched up in two different areas, and then I look over and see Carson with his hands over his ears. A few minutes later his friend came and sat next to him, maybe both searching for the sound of silence.