Monday, August 30, 2010

Beach Day

Carson and Adeline at La Jolla Cove
Adeline happy at the beach
Ballet at the beach, doesn't everyone do an arabesque at the beach?
My boy and his long eyelashes
The beach, the beach, yeah!!!

Before I was interrupted with my husband and birthday post, I was re -living our vacation. What is a California vacation without a trip to the beach? As a child we never visited the beach. It was not until I was a teenager that I had actually been to a beach. I was sure not going to let that experience slip by my kids.

We took off for the beach in the late afternoon so I could get pictures at sunset. Before we even left the house my mother got all anxious about what to wear to the beach, were we going to get wet, and a host of other questions (hence the reason we never went to the beach as kids, totally out of her comfort zone). With Nana calmed down, we made it to a beautiful area with waves and rocks.

Carson jumped right in the water having a grand time. The first wave that hit Adeline she screamed and started jumping around. When she finally composed herself, she told me she did not like this dirty beach! She was not a fan of the kelp tangling up on her legs, so she stayed on shore and built sand castles.

Mid way through this beach excursion I ran up to the car to get snacks, and got a "crisis" call from my sister in Utah. Our dad had sprung the news to her that he was married, of course we did not even know he was dating, let alone married (the 70 year old's eloped. I was told the news 3 days earlier and sworn to secrecy so my dad could share the news in person to all his kids) and to top it off they were driving to his new mini castle, his new half a million dollar home in Utah, over looking the Salt Lake mountains, and the Draper Temple. Oh, of course, no one knew he bought this house over 6 months ago. Talk about shocker!! This is a whole story to tell at another time.

I helped to calm the crisis both with my sister on the phone, and with the hungry kids on the beach. I decided to venture off on the beautiful rocks of the cove, having a fantastic time snapping pictures right and left of my son, when the next thing I know, I am flat on my tush, blood coming from my toes and two little puncture wounds on my knee. But despite the fall I saved the camera, toes come and go, but a good camera is a horrible thing to break!

Wounds patched up, I was almost ready to call and end to this beach trip. As we were debating the fact of leaving, a beach photo shoot came and started to display their mostly naked bodies on the beach next to us. The man taking one shot after the next of a bikini clad lady hugging a surf board. This display went on for a bit, the camera man laid in the sand and was pointing the camera up, when my mom, a little 76 year old red head, says out loud, "What is he doing? There should be no reason for his camera to be there unless he is taking a picture of her vagina! This is porn if I have ever seen it."

With that, the beach trip abruptly came to an end. But I did get great pictures of the kids at the beach!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to me,
happy birthday to me,
happy birthday.......

Is it OK just not to celebrate my birthday this year? It has historically never been a wonderful time for me. In my younger years, school had not started, so I did not have big class parties. As I got older school always started right around my birthday, or on my birthday. Happy Birthday, you get to go back to school! Then as an adult, I just don't know, it has never been memorable.

This years birthday is marked with family chaos. When I was asked a week ago by my sister what kind of cake I wanted her to make for me, I suggested spice cake, thinking of the box cake mix for $2.99.

Well, mom took that out of the ball park and made all these calls to local bakeries to find spice cake. Nonetheless to bakeries that make specialty cakes that cost half her social security pay check. Apologetically, she tells me no one makes spice cake until the fall around Halloween. So she did finally resort to the box mix and picked up all the ingredients apparently thinking my sister may or may not make the cake. Of course, this made my sister quite upset as she had already stated she would make the cake. That is her specialty. My kids get excited every year that Aunt Di makes them a special birthday cake.

Needless to say, the cake has turned out to be an issue, my dad has brought a host of issues to the family dynamic, and has not called to see if there are any birthday plans, and I have to work all day. Really, in the end, I just don't feel much like celebrating, it will be marred with stress.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

In Between

Just an in between vacation post.

My husband said to me this morning,

"What are you guys doing today?" I reply, "going to work this afternoon. It is Thursday."

Does he forget where the other half of our income comes from? Oh ya he would since I handle the bills.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Carson and Adeline fighting some Bionicle

Don't eat my kiddos Mr. Shark!

Carson and Adeline Knights


Darth Vader

Legoland was a blast! It was our first time visiting the park, and boy, was it well worth it. The first sighting at the park was Darth Vader and Batman as well as a few Bionicles. Does it get any better then that for a 7 year old boy? We also found a beautiful princess for Adeline and plenty of Knights and jousting.

We were able to cool off at Pirate Shores and have some fun on the pirate water ship and boats. For even more water we went into the new water park inside Legoland. Pretty fun, except the one set of slides were too big for my kiddos and the smaller water slide features were closed.

After the water we were off to more areas that I cannot even remember their names. We literally were at Legoland from the time it opened to the time it closed. Fabulous day!!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Wild Animal Park

Nana on the hot air balloon
view of San Pasquale Valley
view of San Pasquale Valley
hot air balloon

I remember the Wild Animal Park from my childhood. It seemed like we went every year during my elementary school years. Now with my kids in tow we packed our water, sunscreen and hats and took off to see the roaming animals.

The highlights and low lights of the Wild Animal Park day are as follows:

Low lights:
people trying to park their cars were rude
my kids wanted to be pushed all day in the stroller up hill
the gorillas were not out
they took out the old tram that took you around the park and it is now driven by huge truck fronts pulling seated trailers.
you could take almost a true like safari down in the open areas of the park, but my kids were too young, and it cost $90 per person.
I wanted to do the flight swing but of course, that again was between $90-120. Not in the budget this trip.
had to pay for duck food, bird juice and whatever they could nickle and dime you for

Well, with that rant are you sure I found any good?
I did.
My mom and I rode up in a huge hot air balloon over 400 feet up and had the most spectacular view of the San Pasquale Valley. It was amazing! All for the bargain price of $20 (good thing my kiddos did not want to go, that would have been $60!).
they put in an elevator to eliminate a extremely difficult up hill climb.


We have returned from our trip to California to animal house sit for our friend. This was a great opportunity as we got to vacation in a house for the small price of dog and cat feeding.

Our family went to the Wild Animal Park, Legoland, and the beach, as well as bringing home my sister's newly adopted dog. I will post more in the upcoming days of our California adventures.

Today though, what I was most surprised about was after getting in at 10pm the night before, I was a cleaning machine. My house was a post vacation wreck, not only with all the stuff we traveled with, but my husband was apparently on a "home vacation" because he did not do his laundry or even run a vacuum over the floor.

Once I woke up, and drank my "turbo" coffee, I started cleaning, which lead to multiple project such as cleaning out the fridge, laundry room and clothes in my kids room that needed to be donated. I even managed to brave the afternoon heat and grocery shopped since I had totally cleared out the fridge in my cleaning frenzy. I plowed through day, totally shocked how my energy just forged on all day. I so hope this amazing feat happens again.

I have so much to blog about, not only vacation, but interesting dysfunctional family garbage. Hip, hip, hurrah for family! Stay tuned.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


This man is who I lovingly refer to as ADD man. This is how he is listed in my contact list on my phone. At the time I was trying to think of something that started with an "A" so he would be the first to come up on my contact list. "M" for Mike was just to far down on the contact list. Suddenly it just came to me, ADD man, which refers to my husbands Attention Deficit Disorder (he does not have the HD, the hyperactive part).

The other day, the Today Show did a little segment on ADD/ADHD and marriage. I was so impressed that someone was willing to tackle this issue, and I had to see for myself how it was affecting other marriages. Thus, the inspiration for this post.

When dating, I really did not see signs of ADD, but was also not as knowledgeable on mental health issues as I am now. It was not until the birth of our son that Mike's ADD took on a new life. It seemed that he forgot everything and did not listen. He would go out to the garage to paint at night and honestly did not hear that our son was having a crying fit.

I went to a therapist at the time to talk about my feelings about his participation in our marriage. He also went and saw the doctor when we truly decided he had ADD. A time later we did not see a great change in his ADD symptoms with medication, so he went and consulted a psychiatrist and he gave him a stimulant medication that made him angry, and impatient. That was a horrible medication, I still clearly remember the day he almost verbally lost it at Albertson's grocery store. Going back to his primary care doctor he was tried on a non stimulant medication which he has been on since.

It has taken me almost seven years to adjust to our ADD marriage. I now see every moment when my husband is over stimulated and disappears into his own world, or "Mike land" as I refer to it. Loud noises make him jump, crowded stores like Wal -Mart are only done on a "have to" basis. Both kids trying to talk to him at once, while the dog is trying to get his attention does not work well. He cannot have the TV on and try to have a conversation with me, and oft times he has stopped talking in the middle of a conversation when something has distracted him. Not to count the number of impulsive comments and actions.

Interestingly enough though, as distracted as a person with ADD is there is this extreme ability they have to hyperfocus. Mike has had many "passions" to focus on over our 10 years together. It was wine making, for a time, movie watching on Netflix, painting, tap dancing and currently math. He will start reading his math books, and calculating out problems and not hear a thing going on around him.

Mike comes home some days and states that his brain is spinning and he can't slow it down. He describes his ADD brain as trying to focus on a playing card, like the queen of hearts, while the whole deck is thrown into the air and your job is to keep your eye on queen of hearts as all the cards are fluttering to the floor.

Over the years I have learned that I cannot expect more then he is capable of. I am very sensitive to his point of over stimulation, his need to sometimes leave the house even if it is just for a drive around the city. I currently watch my son like a hawk for signs of ADD. It is familial and one of our two kids genetically should be ADD.

Everyone is dealt their cards in life and this is one of the hurdles to my marriage and also our family. We learn to function and cope with what our family "normal" is.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Target Fall

I was shopping at Target the other day with Adeline. We had just checked out and were walking over to buy a soda. The next thing I knew I had slipped and fell right on my left knee cap. Ouch did that hurt!! How could a little bit of water cause such a big fall, with such pain? Here is my knee 4 days later.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Nursemaid Elbow

Nursemaid elbow is what Adeline is suffering from. I know I did not have anything to do with this injury because I am not a nurse, nor am I a proficient maid.

We went to the pediatrics orthopedist who had the personality of a bump on a log. Why do people like that work in pediatrics. But, in the long run, if he is educated and can fix my daughters elbow, I can live with a toad stool doctor.

Adeline wanted to get a few more pictures of her purple splint wrap before it came off. Now she only has to wear it during times of major activity and if we are out and do not want it to get bumped in a crowded area.

Yeah for no broken bones!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Mother of the Year Award No More

My stellar letter of nomination for Mother of the Year Award has been withdrawn this week. Why? Because I did not believe Adeline when she said she fell, and then hours later would not move her arm. I honestly thought she made it up. She has been in such a band aid phase that she covers herself in them even when there are no injuries. Plus, this incident occurred suspiciously after her brother had fallen while hiking and had a nice piece of road rash on his leg. My husband and I were complimenting him on his bravery and toughness hoping to ward off tears, while a sweet little voice kept interrupting us telling us she too fell and hurt her arm.

Adeline did not cry or really complain about her arm again until hours later that evening. When she was having a bowl of cereal that night she ate with her left hand. The next morning she kept her arm close to her side and I tried every way possible to try and trick her into using it, still thinking she was putting me on. Well, while I was at work, Nana did the final drama test, swimming. Apparently she was a one arm swimmer.

At 8:30 pm after work, we trudged to the night time pediatric quick care (love that place, its only open at night and is never crowded, we literally walk right in). The doctor attempted to manipulate Adeline's arm and elbow. The doctor told Adeline she should always tell mom when she falls and gets hurt. Adeline stated, "But I did" (implying of course, that I did not believe her). About 6 x- rays were taken. Then trauma hit. They had to remove Adeline's band aid and re take a few x-rays to make sure they were seeing bone, not band aid. She cried bloody murder!!!

The x-rays showed no clear break and the doctor saw a questionable spot, but the radiologist read it as normal. So, the staff splinted Adeline's arm up to immobilize her until we get an appointment with the pediatric orthopedist. Hopefully they might have some insight on why she could not move her arm if there is no apparent fracture.

Lesson learned...... if I don't want my nomination yanked for Mother of the Year, I better listen and believe my child.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Waitress

While on my girls night away with my sister, I got the most interesting text from my husband. I shall quote it verbatim, I just cannot do it justice paraphrasing.

From the phone of my husband:

Your going to love what the kids just said, hahahaha!
We just got home with McDonald's food. Adeline says
"Lets play restaurant Daddy"
Carson says "yea Dad lets play restaurant. You be the waiter."
I asked, "why am I the waiter?"
Carson replies
"well, because Mommy is not here and she is usually the waiter,
so now you have to be it."
Adeline follows that with
"yea Dad, how are we going to get served since mommy isn't here to waitress?"

What can I even say. My son wrote in first grade that "Daddy gives hugs and Mommy cleans the floor" and now I am the family waitress. So much wrong with that picture.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The After Extensions

So, this is the new do. I love that it is long again. It has been almost 2 years. It is so typical that I decided when my hair is at its shortest that I want to grow it out, and at its longest I want it short. Good thing hair grows.

It is so stinkin hot here I have not worn it down much, but I love the ability to pull it back and get it off my neck. It will be interesting to see how long a set of extensions last.

Monday, August 2, 2010

A Night Away

My sister and I had a night away together. No husbands, no children.

We went about an hour and a half south of where we live and stayed right off of the Colorado river. We had a wonderful drive, great dinner and a relaxing evening. My sister and I got a HUGE thrill out of watching the people in the "Adult Only" pool from our room window (Don't fret, it was not topless, or bottomless, just no kids allowed, they had a family pool on the other side of the hotel). We thought after 10 pm that pool would be hopping with excitement, but it was quiet.

The next morning I awoke and quietly watched the river flow south with my coffee. It was so peaceful, both the room and the river!

I am excited to take my kiddos back to play at the beach. Yes, you heard me correct, a beach in the middle of the desert. The hotel has created a sand beach area right off the river. I see hours of enjoyment in our future.