Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Men and Women

I have finally come to the conclusion that men and women view and interpret their world very differently from each other.

The other day I posted on my facebook status that my goal of the day was to get the laundry put away. My husband comments on my post and said that he had put the laundry away yesterday.

I then replied that when putting laundry away you have to empty the basket fully to see the bottom.

The picture above was his retry later that day to put away the laundry. It was stacked on our bed (he apparently could see the bottom of the basket) and the kids laundry was stacked on their dresser.

Is the laundry put away? Not according to my standards, but maybe in man land!

Friday, May 21, 2010

The left not the right

I woke up on the left side of the bed this morning for sure. If I would have woken up on the right side of the bed, the day would have gone "right." Instead, I have been irritated and annoyed by every minor occurrence. Starting with.......

Laundry piled- kid that did not want her hair brushed- sponge bob-
kids in no booster seat (in other cars)-
kids in the front seat (of other cars)-
my son's school- being interrupted a number of times-
criticised for my child's lack of fruit intake at my house-
"did Carson practice the violin" question-
no show clients- "did you fix him" comment from clients parents-
rude Starbucks barrista- lack of consistency in my Starbucks frappacino
playing phone tag with my friend in Hawaii and my sister in Utah-

Well, there may be more but that hit the highlights. There is always hope for tomorrow that I will wake on the "right" side of the day.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


My dad has a tender spot for his granddaughter. I love to watch them interact. We went to a classical concert this weekend with Papa and I could just see the joy on his face that he had his grandchildren with him to share in one of his favorite activities.

Adeline was dressed in her concert attire looking cute as a button, she would reach over during the concert and touch Papa's hand and either point out what she saw or was hearing. Adeline was mesmerized by the organist sparkly silver shoes. As Adeline commented, I would watch Papa's face light up.

After the concert we all took a detour through the beautiful rose garden where I was able to snap my new favorite pictures of Papa and Adeline.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Toilet Trauma

For those of you who are long time followers of mine, you are well aware of the constipation and battles over poop that I face with my kids on a daily basis. We buy Miralax like it is going out of style. We have pediatric suppositories, enemas and a box of rubber gloves ready at a moments notice. Carson and his battles with constipation has improved quite remarkably, my little Adeline still battles the rocky pebble poop.

Last night we happened to be out at a local open air mall enjoying a nice family dinner out. I could tell she had to use the restroom, but declined the multiple times I had asked her. After dinner we decided to walk around as our weather was so wonderful. When we got to the furthest point away from a restroom, Adeline states that she has to poop.

We start in a full blown speed walk to hopefully make it on time. The clothes come off, she sits on the toilet, puts her finger on her belly button (why? I don't know, but she always does), grunts, and.............
the automatic toilet flushes. Tears immediately start streaming down her face as she hops off the toilet trying to cover her ears. Well, thanks automatic toilet flusher, you ruined a good thing. If you only knew what we go through on a daily basis to accomplish the task of pooping, then to actually do it in a public restroom. Why oh why did you choose to go off at that precise moment?

Monday, May 10, 2010

An "I needed it" Day

Today was great. It was rejuvenating. I had my kids, my sister and was armed with my camera. One of my great joys in life is taking pictures of my kids. I have been known to take over 400 pictures on trips and vacations. When I started this whole "real" work (working outside the home), life became very chaotic, busy, frustrating, stressful, and a whole other list of adjectives.

So today we took a breather. We jumped in the car, with a location in mind and set off for the afternoon. We went to an old mining town where we roamed around all the antiques, and continued further along the road where we were able to do a little mountain climbing. All of us had a great afternoon. The kids got to run and climb, my sister got to relax after taking her last final and I got to take pictures.

I need to remember to do that more often. What a fun day.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Adeline and Mom

This was an Adeline and mom day. It was so overdue and so fun. We dropped brother off at school and headed to an outdoor shopping area. Adeline and I started with chocolate milk (with whipped cream of course), I had coffee and we shared a butter croissant. After chatting over coffee we went and had fun running and talking and playing games on the grass while waiting for story time in the park to begin. Adeline got some cool prizes at story time and was most impressed with the giraffe balloon the clown made. We finished our girls day out with a lettuce and bacon pizza, two of her favorite things in the world. I know, it sounds odd but it is actually a BLT pizza from California Pizza Kitchen. Adeline and I had a great time, and shared fun moments together. Hopefully she will remember these occasions of her and I and our girl time.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


How would I even describe today? The only reason I think I can put it in words is because the kids are at an activity with their Nana and I have 5 minutes in my quiet house to think. The day started off with a PTSA meeting at school. A big thanks to Ms. Angie who helped to start it off right with my Dunks iced coffee. Then it was off to do a home care visit for my per diem job. Of course that was a nightmare and I had left messages and follow up call all afternoon. Had to call Senior Protective Services and file a report.

In between all this I had my own doctors appointment for my "old lady "bladder. Hopefully new medication will work. I was a little apprehensive to try new medication because it is a newer medication, and I can get my generic medication for $4, but I decided if it works it is worth it. I take care of people everyday and make sure their needs are met. I have medical bills that come in monthly between my asthmatic children and my husband, so why scrimp on me? It will hopefully be nice to feel like I don't have to urinate constantly, or have to find a restroom right away.

The day was not through yet, I get a call from my primary job and they state that my billing has to be in this afternoon by 5 instead of the 10th. The Mac won't send the e -mail, I finally attach the invoice to another of my e-mail accounts, only to have the office not be able to open the Mac document. So as I am creating a whole new invoice on my husbands computer I am getting calls from Senior Protective Service to clarify my earlier call. My billing is sent off, all state agencies are closed for the evening, and now I have a few minutes of quiet time left before my kids come home.

Then dinner, homework, chores and reading. Does it ever end?????

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Triangle

Some people name their dogs, other people their cats or their cars. I have decided to name our house. It is amazing how things can disappear into the abyss of our house. I can be using it one minute and the next it is nowhere to be found.

I also have electrical issues that are mysterious. All of a sudden electrical outlets will not work, our light on our family room fan will not function with the remote, or worst of all, I will turn off the family room light and my sons bedroom light will illuminate. The dishwasher will function fine for one load, then the next load leak water all over my kitchen floor. The previous post shared our back patio home improvement project where jack hammering concrete lead to a new $6000 air conditioner, and then was discovered that the heating system was caving in.

The worst is how is it causes computers and printers to malfunction. My husband and I are fairly computer literate. We are not by any means computer geeks, but we are not novices either. My husband and I have been through about 5 laptops in 3 years. Ok, the soda that my son spilled on one laptop should not really count, but maybe a house that had better juju jibes then our house, the computer could have maybe been salvaged. Trough all of the computer issues and repairs my sister talked me into trying a Mac. Everything is so easy, you won't have any trouble were her words. I believed her, for I have an iphone and I do love it. Well, here we go setting up the Mac and I am now having issues with my itunes account, in fact it has deleted all my music and videos into the abyss of itunes somewhere. I was still holding out hope, trying to think positive. The rest of the transition went smoothly until we try to install the printer. Could it be? Another problem????

I have decided my house is like the Bermuda Triangle, thus the new name of my house. We will lovingly now refer to our home, our sanctuary, as "The Triangle."

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Where did the time go

Well, my last post I was going to make time to work and post on my blog more often. So where did all the time go? I am still not sure. I like to blame the new job, not only are the hours more but the work is emotionally exhausting. Then there is family, school, children's lessons, PTA. Oh yeah, the disaster of our home improvement project which has cost us a new air condition, which lead to a new platform for our heating unit and a half dug up patio, which is now on the back burner since air conditioning was more important then an aesthetic looking back patio. So once again I am making my goal the post more on my blog, I will try again.